- If you are out of work - take a withdrawal (PDF) Fill out this form and return it to Local 813. The cost of requesting a withdrawal card is only 50 cents.
- If you move - please send us your new address
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The next Shop Stewards seminar will be held on:
Sunday September 29th 2019 @ 08:00 A.M.
Local 813 48-18 Van Dam Street
Long Island City NY 11101
Please plan to attend this important training opportunity! This event will give Shop Stewards information on their role in representing members in the workplace. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other stewards and to exchange ideas. The agenda includes training for new and prospective stewards, as well for senior stewards.
Shop Stewards are the job site representatives of Local 813. A Shop Stewards responsibility includes monitoring and enforcing the collective bargaining agreements, keeping the Business Agent up to date on activities that take place at the shop as well as handling any issues or concerns members may have. Stewards must work closely with the members and Local 813.
We at Local 813 value and applaud our shop stewards for their valuable contribution they make to our union. Every Business Agent knows the value of a good shop steward. Booklets regarding your positions at shop steward (procedures, laws, etc.) are available at Local 813. Ask your Business Agent about getting copies.
Local 813 encourages all shop stewards and alternates to attend Local 813's Shop Steward Seminar.