- If you are out of work - take a withdrawal (PDF) Fill out this form and return it to Local 813. The cost of requesting a withdrawal card is only 50 cents.
- If you move - please send us your new address
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Are you tired of being underpaid? Tired of crummy benefits or no benefits at all? Do you want respect on your job and a more secure future for your family? You can change all of that. Join Teamsters local 813. We will help you get a legally binding contract with your boss. Put an end to broken promises, bad pay and lousy benefits. If you do not work under a union contract and would like to form a union at your job call 718-937-7010. You will be put in touch with a highly trained, professional agent that will provide you with the information and guidance you need. OR you may fill out the online form.
Local 813 represents hard working employees throughout the New York and Metropolitan area in such industries as: private sanitation and recycling, funeral, cemetery, car rental, casket and vault, container and drum, demolition, paper and corrugated, and factory and warehouse.
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics states that employees who belong to a union and are covered under a collective bargaining agreement earn higher wages and receive better benefits than employees in the same classifications who are non-union.