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- If you are out of work - take a withdrawal (PDF) Fill out this form and return it to Local 813. The cost of requesting a withdrawal card is only 50 cents.
- If you move - please send us your new address
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General Membership Meeting Schedule - 2025
published 12/20/24
All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Get your Local 813 Gear!
published 03/30/23
We are proud to now offer Local 813 merchandise to our members for direct ordering.
Please use the link to direct you the merchandise page:
published 12/17/22
published 12/12/22
2023 Academic and Vocational/Training Program Scholarships
For the sons, daughters and financial dependents of Teamster membersAcademic scholarship awards from $1,000 to $10,000 for high school seniors planning to attend a four-year college or university. Vocational/training program awards from $500 to $2,000 for use at community colleges or trade schools.
Application process opens November 30, 2022 for academic or vocational/training program scholarships for the sons, daughters and financial dependents of Teamsters members - including BLET, BMWED and GCC members.
Deadline: March 1, 2023
For more information, visit -
2023 Teamsters Scholarship
published 12/06/22
DEADLINE: March 31, 2023
Thank you to all the members for attending our General Membership Meetings this year!
published 10/18/22
Our next General Membership Meeting will be held in January. Please watch for the 2023 meeting schedule to be published.
published 01/27/21
For added convenience Local 813 now accepts credit card payments. Members may now make payments to their account for dues, initiations, and assessments. Please call the union office for payment processing. -
published 12/15/21
To be determined.
* Be advised – from time to time these dates, locations and times may change
'What happens if I get sick again?': Essential workers seek expanded protections
published 07/09/20
"We can't leave it up to each individual employer to do it — they're not going to."
published 06/17/20
Harold James Aiken, 55, passed away on June 3, 2020.
published 06/11/20
Harold was born in the Bronx New York to Mary Augustus, and Harold Aiken Sr on July 28, 1964. He attended James Monroe High School. Harold worked for Royal Services for 15 Years. He was a hard worker, loyal, and very dedicated to his family. Harold was very respected in his community and neighborhood.
Harold is preceded in death by (Mother) Mary Augustus, (Father)Harold Aiken Sr., (Sister) Patricia Barbarann Augustus, and Smokey "Mo Mo" Coley.
Harold is survived by his niece Nicole Josephine William's, and the Love of his Life Carmella F Coley.
Harold's ashes will remain in his home in Columbus OH with his niece, and wife. As his plans was to soon retire and move to Ohio.
Harold will be Deeply Missed. His favorite verse was Psalms 23.
Dear Members and Participants:
published 06/05/20
We hope this letter finds you all healthy and in good spirits during this challenging time. We are currently preparing to reopen our office on June 15, 2020 with partial capacity. Given the new challenges we are facing today, the Local Union 813 and the Associated Trust Funds are committed to ensure the highest level of safety for all our visitors and our staff members.
Summary of Material Modifications to the Local 1034 Pension Plan
published 04/13/20
This is an important benefit announcement, effective April 3, 2020 to the Summary Plan Description concerning COVID-19
published 04/07/20
2020 CDL Classes
published 03/06/20
Joint Council No. 16 offers free classes for Tractor Trailer and Commercial Driver's License A or License B.
Click here to download the Registration Form. -
Dental Coverage Improvements
published 02/14/20
Did you know that the Local 813 leadership made improvements our dental plan?
Use the following links for an expanded list of providers and updated fee schedule:
Provider Search -
Fee Schedule - -
published 06/21/19
At Public Hearings, Workers and Community Members Call For Strong Private Carting Reforms
published 03/11/19
Sanitation workers, environmentalists, safe streets activists, and small business owners joined forces to testify at a public hearing held by the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) today about problems in the private carting industry and needed reforms.
City Council Eyes Laws To Curb 'Sham' Sanitation Unions
published 02/01/19
Pedro Garcia was 17 when he started working at Sanitation Salvage, the Bronx commercial-trash hauler that closed abruptly last November after it failed to cover up the death of Mouctar Diallo, a 21-year-old Guinean immigrant who was working off the books as a helper. Read full article >> -
Working at Sanitation Salvage
published 12/12/18
Local 813 and Environmental Justice Allies Win Long Campaign To Bring Relief To Communities That Are Overburdened With Waste Facilities
published 07/20/18
Advocates say Intro 157 will help "overburdened" communities, but critics say this bill will raise costs and kill jobs.
Dear Joint Council 16 local unions,
published 07/19/18
Thank you to all of the Teamster locals who joined us at City Hall to call for passage of the waste equity bill. The legislation was fiercely opposed by the private carters and was thought dead just a few months ago, but we fought to bring it back and it passed yesterday by a vote of 32-13 in the City Council.
City Council Speaker Corey Johnson and bill sponsor Antonio Reynoso both thanked the Teamsters for our support and acknowledged our important role in getting it across the finish line. The win sets the stage for implementing our broader reforms in the industry to raise wages and require strict safety policies.
You can view pictures from the press conference on our Facebook page.
George Miranda
NY1 "In Focus" TDT episode
published 07/18/18
We Have Moved!
published 07/10/18
Please note our new address effective June 11, 2018:
LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101Our telephone, fax and email addresses remain the same.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this transition period.
From George Miranda:
published 06/11/18
Dear Joint Council 16 local unions,
For the past month, Joint Council 16 has been calling on the City to revoke the license of one of New York's worst nonunion private carters, Sanitation Salvage. The company covered up the death of an immigrant worker, Mouctar Diallo, saying he was a homeless person who died trying to jump onto their truck.
Next Wednesday, members of the Bronx's African communities are holding a press conference to call for the company to be punished. Joint Council 16 and Local 813 will be there to stand with them, and I encourage your local unions to join us. Here are the details:
Justice for Mouctar rally
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
10 AM
Bronx Supreme Courthouse Steps
851 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10451Please attend if you can and please wear your Teamster gear. A flier prepared by the event organizers is attached.
George Miranda
Inside New York City's private sanitation industry
published 06/06/18
Kiera Feldman of Voice of America sits down with Errol Louis to discuss her investigation on the city's private sanitation industry.
Hell on Wheels
published 06/04/18
Fatal accidents, off-the-books workers, a union once run by a mobster. The rogue world of one of New York's major trash haulers.
Calls for Suspension of Sanitation Company's License After Deaths
published 05/10/18
Teamsters and City Council seek to strip license from sanitation company after its driver killed two
published 05/10/18
Press conference with Teamsters and City Council Members outside city's Business Integrity Commission seeking to strip license of Sanitation Salvage, one of the largest trash haulers after the cover up of deaths of two. Most recently 21 year old Guania immigrant.
Garbage truck driver who killed two people lied to cops - and his company's license may soon land in the trash
published 05/07/18
Garbage truck driver Sean Spence fatally ran down two people in the Bronx - and drove himself further into trouble by lying about one of his victims.
Garbage truck driver who ran over Bronx man was allowed to drive after previous fatality, victim's pals outraged
published 05/08/18
Friends of the elderly Bronx man mowed down by a garbage truck driver were outraged to learn that the trashman had killed another person less than six months ago.
Dear Joint Council 16 local unions,
published 04/30/18
We have been notified by the United Auto Workers that its research and teaching assistant members are on strike at Columbia University.
As one of New York's most powerful unions, Teamsters have a duty to support our brothers and sisters in the labor movement fighting for justice at work. Greater New York's 27 Teamsters locals, representing 120,000 members, stand in solidarity with academic workers at Columbia.
I am requesting that all local unions give whatever help and support they can to bring this dispute to a successful conclusion.
The UAW has authorized a 7 day strike beginning today. Striking workers will be picketing at various entrances on the Morningside Heights campus, including the following locations:
- Delivery entrance at 119th and Amsterdam
- Delivery entrance at 515 W. 114th Street
The picket lines will be operational from 8 AM to 4 PM, April 24-27 and on April 30th.
Please contact Ken Lang from the UAW with any questions at 206-390-4265. We will keep you apprised of progress in this labor dispute.
George Miranda
President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Joint Council 16 -
New York Private Sanitation Workers Hold Moment of Silence for MLK
published 04/04/18
Workers memorialize King's advocacy for striking sanitation workers at the time of his death.
All Local 813 Members:
published 04/03/18
Teamsters Local Union No. 813 IBT is asking all of its members for a moment of silence on April 4, 2018 in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination fifty years ago. Dr. King was assassinated while attending a rally for striking sanitation workers.
NY Teamsters train to be 'sanctuary union,' protect members from immigration officials
published 02/13/18
About 120,000 Teamsters across Long Island and New York City are preparing to become a "sanctuary union" and learn how to deal with immigration officials at their workplaces, The New York Daily News reports.
Sindicato de trabajadores Teamsters en Nueva York busca entrenar a miembros en caso de redadas de ICE
published 02/13/18
La idea surgió después de que una persona que formaba parte del grupo fue deportada a Guatemala en 2017, lo que causó preocupación entre empleados indocumentados. La capacitación también incluiría cómo deben actuar si son detenidos por agentes del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas en residencias o mientras conducen.
N.Y. Teamsters form 'sanctuary union' to fight ICE agents
published 02/12/18
Worried about federal immigration policies, a New York labor organization is taking steps to protect its own.
The Brutal Life of a Sanitation Worker
published 02/12/18
On a Saturday morning in 2013 in Brooklyn's Dumbo neighborhood, an 18-year-old recycling worker, Luis Camarillo, was loading materials into a truck when the vehicle's compactor crushed him. He was rushed to a hospital, where he died.
Moment of Silence
published 02/01/18
Remembering Echol Cole and Robert Walker
Social security benefits
published 01/19/18
The Social Security check is now (or soon will be) referred to as a "Federal Benefit Payment?" I'll be part of the one percent to forward this. I am forwarding it because it touches a nerve in me, and I hope it will in you. Please keep passing it on until everyone in our country has read it.
The government is now referring to our Social Security checks as a "Federal Benefit Payment." This isn't a benefit. It is our money paid out of our earned income! Not only did we all contribute to Social Security but our employers did too. It totaled 15% of our income before taxes.
If you averaged $30K per year over your working life, that's close to $180,000 invested in Social Security.
If you calculate the future value of your monthly investment in social security ($375/month, including both you and your employers contributions) at a meager 1% interest rate compounded monthly, after 40 years of working you'd have more than $1.3+ million dollars saved!
This is your personal investment. Upon retirement, if you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $39,318 per year, or $3,277 per month.
That's almost three times more than today's average Social Security benefit of $1,230 per month, according to the Social Security Administration. (Google it – it's a fact).
And your retirement fund would last more than 33 years (until you're 98 if you retire at age 65)! I can only imagine how much better most average-income people could live in retirement if our government had just invested our money in low-risk interest-earning accounts.
Instead, the folks in Washington pulled off a bigger "Ponzi scheme" than Bernie Madoff ever did. They took our money and used it elsewhere. They forgot (oh yes, they knew) that it was OUR money they were taking. They didn't have a referendum to ask us if we wanted to lend the money to them. And they didn't pay interest on the debt they assumed. And recently they've told us that the money won't support us for very much longer.
But is it our fault they misused our investments? And now, to add insult to injury, they're calling it a "benefit", as if we never worked to earn every penny of it.
Just because they borrowed the money doesn't mean that our investments were a charity!
Let's take a stand. We have earned our right to Social Security and Medicare. Demand that our legislators bring some sense into our government.
Find a way to keep Social Security and Medicare going for the sake of that 92% of our population who need it.
Then call it what it is: Our Earned Retirement Income.
Dear Joint Council 16 local unions,
published 01/05/18
Teamsters Local 808 has notified us that one of its members, Kevin Stewart at StuyTown, lost his sister, brother-in-law, and three nieces in last week's apartment fire in the Bronx. It's a tragedy for one of our own.
Brother Stewart is planning funeral arrangements and needs financial support. Please contribute by donating at this GoFundMe page: If you would like to contribute by another means, please contact Chris Silvera at Local 808.
George Miranda
Labor groups say 'sham unions' undercut other organizations to the benefit of themselves and employers
published 10/24/17
At a time when unions are under assault by everything from pension-busting employers to the right-to-work steamroller, they also have to fight off an enemy within — unaffiliated, employer-friendly rivals called "sham unions" by traditional labor organizations. -
New York City's Commercial Waste Reforms Are Critical for Workers and the Environment
published 10/16/17
The following Letter to the Editor is a response to an October 2 op-ed by Michael Hellstrom of Local Laborers 108, "Consolidating New York City's Private Waste Industry is Bad for Workers and the Environment"
Support Eber Garcia Vasquez
published 09/28/17
Teamsters Mourn Death of Memphis Sanitation Worker Who Went on Strike in 1968
published 09/25/17
The Teamsters Union is mourning the death of Alvin Turner, who participated in the 1968 Memphis sanitation workers' strike and who has stood with the Teamsters over the years to help raise standards for workers in the waste industry.
Putting Members First
published 09/21/17
Don't Be Conned
published 09/21/17
Dear Eber Garcia Vasquez supporters,
published 09/19/17
Two weeks ago, our long-time union brother Eber Garcia Vasquez was deported. The Teamsters are continuing to work with his attorney and advocates to expedite his Green Card application so he can return to the U.S. and be reunited with his family.
But the deportation has left his family without a breadwinner. Eber had a good union job, which allowed him to provide for his wife, who was recently in a car crash, his daughter who is attending college, and the rest of his family.
To support this family, Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, in partnership with the Teamsters, set up a Crowdrise fundraising page. All donations will go to Eber's family.
Please donate if you can (every little bit helps!) and please share the link with your friends and on social media.
Thank you for standing with us as we fought Eber's deportation and for continuing to stand with his family.
In Solidarity,
Teamsters Local 813 -
published 07/13/17
NYC's Commercial Recycling Rate Is Still Garbage
published 07/03/17
A new report finds that NYC's commercial recycling rate is only 22 percent, a truly disappointing number considering the city enacted rules intending to increase businesses' recycling rates in 2016. That rate falls far behind the national commercial recycling rate of 35 percent, and even farther behind cities like San Jose and Seattle, who boast respective rates of 77 percent and 62 percent. Read full article >> -
Teamsters gain favorable settlement from NLRB in private carter fight
published 06/29/17
By David Giambusso
06/29/2017 05:07 AM EDTTeamsters Local 813 is declaring a victory in its ongoing effort to unionize the private carting industry, after the National Labor Relations Board signed a settlement preventing one company from interfering with union activities.
The Teamsters union, which has represented employees at Planet Waste Services for several years, alleged the Maspeth company intimidated workers when the company tried to install a management-friendly union. Workers who cooperated with the NLRB's investigation or with union representatives were threatened with firing, had cameras installed on their trucks, or were interrogated by management, the Teamsters alleged.
Planet Waste did not respond to multiple requests for comment, and the settlement signed by its owners does not admit guilt. But the guidelines issued by the NLRB prevent the company from engaging in such tactics in the future.
According to the settlement agreement issued this month, Planet Waste is forbidden from changing employees' wages, hours or other conditions if a worker engages in union activity or cooperates with an NLRB investigation. If the company does make changes, it must notify Local 813 and give the union a chance to bargain.
The settlement also recognizes the union as the "exclusive collective-bargaining representative" of the workers.
"This is the federal government saying no to union busting and no to threatening workers who stand up for themselves," Sean Campbell, president of Teamsters Local 813, said in a statement. "These abuses are not unique to Planet Waste, they happen every day at private sanitation companies across the city. Local 813 is pushing back and we are winning."
The NLRB ruling comes amid an ongoing fight between private carters and their opponents in the city over commercial zoning, recycling and worker safety. Private carters pick up most of the city's commercial waste.
Read the NLRB agreement here.
Government Orders Queens Sanitation Company to Bargain with Teamsters
published 06/28/17
The National Labor Relations Board this week ordered a Queens sanitation company, Planet Waste, to end its efforts to remove Teamsters Local 813 as the union representing its employees, through a settlement of outstanding charges before the board. Read full article >>
Coalition leader for private carters threatens to leave city talks
published 06/22/17
By David Giambusso
06/22/2017 05:03 AM EDTThe head of a coalition of private carters said recent criticism of his members is souring progress in reaching an equitable plan to establish commercial waste zones in New York City and has threatened to walk away from the talks.
Labor and environmental groups won a significant victory last year when the city announced it would establish the zones, also called franchises. Under the current system, private carters pick up almost all of the commercial waste in New York City, often competing for business, block-by-block. The zone system would award a contract to one company for one section of the city, something city officials say would reduce truck emissions and improve worker safety.
Carters oppose the franchise system, arguing the commercial zones will kill competition and put smaller companies out of business.
In establishing the new system, the city has tried to bring the carters to the table through a commercial zone advisory group. Last week, the carters' opponents launched a website that catalogs various safety and worker violations for six private carting companies.
Kendall Christiansen, who leads a coalition of private carters called New Yorkers for Responsible Waste Management, said the website was counterproductive and threatened to suspend his involvement in the advisory group.
"I will not be attending [Wednesday's] meeting, and am temporarily suspending my involvement with this process," Christiansen told advisory group members in an email sent this week and obtained by POLITICO New York. "I am dismayed that certain participants in this process are participating in continuing attacks on individuals and companies licensed to provide essential waste management-related services, and am of the opinion that such attacks should cease immediately in order for this process to move forward constructively."
Asked about the email, Christiansen said he did not plan to withdraw from the process altogether, but was only addressing a sub-group to register his disappointment.
"While I cannot speak for others, I can only hope that others are equally dismayed and will register their concerns appropriately," he said in the email.
City officials declined to comment.
The advisory group is still in its early stages, but the internal struggle already underway indicates how difficult it will be to hash out a plan that pleases the disparate sides.
"For us, the implementation of the waste zones is going well and we're very glad to be working with the [group] to transform the industry," said Maritza Silva-Farrell, executive director of Alliance for a Greater New York (ALIGN), one of the groups responsible for the site. "If carters want to be a part of the solution, the first step is to acknowledge the big problems the industry has."
The private carters and their opponents - which include ALIGN, the Teamsters and a host of environmental groups - remain locked in a bitter feud and continue to battle for public and political support.
The website, "Trash Kingpins of New York City" details some of the ills of the carting industry, including racially charged social media posts from one of the company's owners.
It was launched in response to a recent push by the carters to humanize its members, and cultivate an image of small, family-run businesses that stand to go belly up if a franchising system is put in place.
Labor groups say 'sham unions' undercut other organizations to the benefit of themselves and employers
published 06/16/17
At a time when unions are under assault by everything from pension-busting employers to the right-to-work steamroller, they also have to fight off an enemy within — unaffiliated, employer-friendly rivals called "sham unions" by traditional labor organizations.
Sean Campbell, President of Teamsters Local 813, Stands Out for Service to Members
published 06/14/17
Sean T. Campbell, President and Principal Officer of Teamsters Local 813, which represents private sanitation workers as well as workers in the funeral, demolition, rental car, paper and corrugated, and factory and warehouse industries, has consistently worked on measures designed to improve the wages and conditions of his members. Campbell has been a Teamster for almost 30 years, and President for about five years, holding every officer's position in the union.
Queens Planet Waste boss' bankruptcy claims has workers worried about future
published 03/13/17
There's something rotten going on at a Queens carting plant where two rival unions are battling over workers - with the owner hinting that the future of his business rests on the outcome. Read full article >> -
'Right to Work' is Wrong
published 02/22/17
For years, greedy CEOs have boosted profits on the backs of workers by cutting wages, hours and benefits. Now they are attacking the one thing that protexts the middle class and holds CEOs accountable: our unions.
Teamsters Join Bronx Environmental Justice Rally for Waste Equity
published 12/27/16
City's Commercial Sanitation Industry Reform Plan Follows Release of New Study
published 08/23/16
The de Blasio administration has a plan in the works to combat a host of problems in the commercial sanitation industry that were detailed in a report released on Wednesday, April 17. Read more >>
In a major shift, city to launch zoned-collection system for private carting industry
published 08/19/16
The truth has finally come to light. This industry needs change for the workers. Private Sanitation was an industry that you can make a decent living and retire from. Unfortunately, many companies have expolited minority workers over the years. This became a race to the bottom. This is a huge victory for the workers in OUR INDUSTRY!!!! We want to thank all parties involved especially Joint Council 16 and The International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
De Blasio Commercial Sanitation Reforms a Big Win for Workers
published 08/19/16
Today, the de Blasio administration announced sweeping reforms to New York's commercial sanitation industry. The plan will create commercial waste zones throughout the city, each served by a private sanitation company that will be held to strict environmental and labor standards.
Sanitation Department likes Mayor de Blasio's proposal to divide commercial trash collection into zones
published 08/19/16
The de Blasio administration is moving to overhaul the commercial waste industry, launching a new system where the city is divided into zones and one company is tapped to pick up trash from businesses in each area.
Allstate Teamsters Vote for Strike
published 05/19/16
NYC Private Waste Hauling Industry Unsafe
published 05/19/16
The private commercial waste hauling industry in New York City is marked by disregard of workplace safety standards and should be better regulated by the city, an advocacy group said.
60 Con Edison contractors vote to authorize strike over wages, lack of proper safety training
published 05/19/16
On Thursday, workers at Allstate Power Vac — a Con Edison contractor-voted unanimously to authorize a strike. The 60 staffers have been trying to negotiate a new contract for the past seven months, to no avail.
published 05/05/16
Local 813 joined NYCOSH at City Hall for the release of their report of the abuses of safety in private sanitation.
published 04/27/16
On April 20, 2016, Teamsters Local 813 members were joined by Fellow Teamsters Locals, and Elected Officials to call on ALLSTATE POWER-VAC to sign a fair contract!
Local 813 would like to take the time to thank all those that came out in support of the workers at ALLSTATE POWER-VAC. We want to thank Joint Council President George Miranda and the Executive Board, honorable mentions go to Bernadette Kelly of the I.B.T., Local 817 for sending their tractor trailer, Local 814, TWU Local 100 for providing us with the stage, NYC's strongest local 831 for coming out. We also want to thank NY State Senator Jose Peralta and Council Member Rory Lancman for supporting the labor movement.
Joint 16 Council Website
published 04/04/16
At this website you can learn about all of the Teamster locals in the New York metro area, and get the latest labor news.
How to Join Local 813
published 01/21/11
To become a member of Teamsters Local 813, you may call 718-937-7010, or you may also click here.
Teamsters News (RSS)
- Teamsters: Poverty Is Bad For Your Health The working poor are living shorter lives than the wealthy, due largely to the more physical jobs they do and the stresses they face in life.
- UPS Ohio Rider Passes The UPS Ohio Rider was passed by the membership, according to vote count results.
- Teamsters: Ending Currency Manipulation Will Bring Worker Security Ending the practice of currency manipulation would result in upwards of 5.8 million jobs over the next three years, a new Economic Policy Institute report states. The issue must be addressed before the U.S. agrees to the Trans-Pacific Partnership or any other trade deals.
- Teamsters: Workers, Not the Rich, Need a Hand Up The growing disparity in incomes between the "haves" and the "have nots" is a real problem for America, and one that is being felt in many corners of this country. And it is an issue policymakers are going to have to get a handle on if they want to ensure the U.S. retains the values that have made this nation great.
- PA Teamsters Stand Against Paycheck Deception Bill Teamster members and leaders joined with York County legislators to denounce what has been termed the 'Paycheck Deception Bill' (House Bill 1507) at a press conference today.